GellyFit Salon Locator
Does your Salon/Studio use GellyFit Products? Add yourself to GellyFit's Salon Locator and help clients find you!
Featured Salons
You'll find our Affiliates at a Featured Salon

Studio 704
Saba Beheshti
47978 Warm Springs Blvd
Fremont, CA 94539
Phone: 510.364.8298
Instagram: @studio704.co @setsbysaba
Specializing in Structured Gel Manicure, Dry Pedicures

Tamara Sharp Nail Designs
Tamara Sharp
27485 Ynez Rd St: 15
Temecula, CA 92591
Phone: 951.836.8662
Instagram: @TSharpND
Email: tsharpnd@aol.com

Marcy Lu Nails
Walnut Creek, CA
Instagram: @marcylunails
Booking Link: Marcy Lu Nails

Delicate Care Salon
Chelsea Scanlon
153 Turnpike Road
Westborough, Massachusetts 01581
Phone: 508.657.4257
Instagram: @delicatecaresalon
Email: delicatecaresalon@gmail.com

Polished in Portland
6004 SE Foster Road
Portland, Oregon 97206
Text: 503.583.7551
Instagram: @nailfreude @polishedinportlandsalon
Email: contact@polishedinportland.com

King's Road Salon
1164 S. Main Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
By appointment only
Instagram: @kingsroadsalonslc
To schedule click technician link below or text 385.202.0294
Lindsay Ratcliff @lindsayratcliff
Kenzie Eames @nails_bykenz
Kiersten Ricketts @beautified_bykiersten

Mystic Gigi Nails
Misty Nelson
2658 W. 12270 S.
Riverton, Utah 84065
Phone: 801.347.2360
Instagram: @Mystic_gigi_nails To Schedule click here:
Email: Mysticgiginails@gmail.com
The GellyFit Community
Cindy’s Nails
3604 E Colfax Ave
Denver, CO 80206
Instagram: @cindysnailsoncolfax
Website: www.cindysnailsoncolfax.com
Email: cindysnails3604@gmail.com
Nailed by Renee
3251 Hollywood Blvd
Phenix Salon Suites, Ste 135
Hollywood, FL 33023
Instagram @nailedby_renee
Nails by Chris Taylor
5 Florida Park Dr N
Palm Coast, Fl 32137
386-200-4388 salon
562-505-9330 cell
Pure Artistry Studio
Trinh Luu
Instagram: @pureartistrystudio
Facebook: Pure Artistry Studio
Kiwi Nails Fishtown
441 E Girard Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19125
Phone: 267.831.2935
Instagram: @kiwinailsfishtown
Please Add My Salon
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Things to include: Salon Name, Address, Contact info., any Social Media links and/or Website.
If you'd also like us to include a logo or photo, please email your image to: hello@gellyfitusa.com